my clients’ experience of therapy

I think counselling is so important for both the mind and body to connect, and to start consciously acknowledging trauma in order to dismantle it. Maria has been a central pillar of my healing journey here; she is intuitive, knows when to listen, and speaks with wisdom when giving advice - all the while feeling comfortable at your own pace. Maria’s methods of guiding through your thought processes have empowered me to feel in control of my own healing. I can’t recommend her enough for anyone who feels they need support, no matter how big or small the issue.


Maria is a very warm kind and safe person to talk to. It took me some time to trust and open up but she was very patient and caring. Her support over the last two years kept me hopeful through a difficult period in my life because I knew I could rely on having one hour a week where I could have an honest conversation with someone who was understanding and compassionate and knew me and could help me understand myself when I felt very lost. She is direct and honest and will not let you avoid things or give up on yourself which I am really grateful for. I think I have learned and also changed a lot since first coming to therapy and feel much more alive and connected to myself - and so I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Maria as a therapist.

– SB

I saw Maria regularly when I was suffering from acute anxiety which lead to me being signed off work. Maria was brilliant. Through a combination of CBT and talking therapy, I developed the tools I needed to deal with my anxiety. She is extremely knowledgeable and clearly very experienced. Her professional and kind approach made the appointments not only very useful but also enjoyable. I could not recommend Maria more highly.


Maria is kind, empathetic and insightful. She’s had a profound impact on me, and working with her truly changed my life. She brings so much care to each interaction, and is exceptionally good at developing trust and putting people at ease. I’m deeply grateful to her and cannot recommend her enough.


From my experience, therapy is about finding the right therapist at the right time, and Dr Maria was that right therapist for me. I had seen therapists before that had helped me cope with my situation(s) but it was Dr. Maria that helped me better understand myself, take action, and incrementally resolve my issues, grow and evolve to a better version of myself. She was a refuge when things were particularly tough and made the difficult journey back to better, and more resilient mental health as relaxing and comfortable as it could be. My family, friends and colleagues have seen how I've grown, and I now jokingly describe myself as "AM" meaning "After Maria" and the old me as "BM" meaning "Before Maria".


I came across Maria a few months ago, when, after many hesitations, I decided to ask for help. Maria is very welcoming and made me feel at ease and relaxed from the very first meeting. Throughout our sessions, Maria was very attentive, never judgmental and helped me to see things in a different light. Her invaluable advice has been crucial to understanding some deeply rooted negative patterns and how to work on those to better respond to certain situations and being in control instead of simply reacting. After each session, I would feel more confident, motivated and on the right path to my healing. Thank you Maria.


I have been seeing Maria for the last 5 years. Every time something happens in my life that triggers my anxiety I go and see her and after a few sessions I feel better. Maria not only gave me some strategies to use to manage my anxiety but we found together the reasons behind it.


My journey of self discovery with Maria has been nothing short of amazing…calm, caring and quietly powerful, highly recommended.”

Richard M.

When I first reached out to Maria, my mental health was significantly disrupting my day to day life and I was suffering regular panic attacks. Up until that point I hadn’t truly introspected or listened to my body or mind, partly because nobody had ever successfully taught me how to do so, and I had ended up in a life I fundamentally did not enjoy and wanted to escape. My stress was constantly dialled up to 100, I would sweat uncontrollably and spend every free minute obsessively research solutions to big societal problems I projected my anxiety onto, in a misplaced effort to try and get control make myself feel safer. Maria created a safe and trusting environment in which she effectively taught me to become self aware. She helped me to step out of the chaos of my thoughts to see the patterns I was locked into, the underlying causes that thematically linked them, the false logic that underpinned them, and the resistance I put up when invited to make a change from the familiar safety of that way of thinking. I haven’t had a panic attack for over a year now, and I no longer chronically sweat. I find myself genuinely able to relax and be myself in the company of others and actually have moments where I feel totally at ease. I think it is very unlikely that I could have achieved that myself without Maria’s guidance in the same period of time and, though I still have a long way to go, she has already profoundly changed the way I relate to the world for the better.


I have been seeing Maria for a few years now, and have worked through various situations with her. She is informative and insightful, a very good listener who has supported the growth of my self-confidence, working through my anxiety whilst also pushing me, when needed, and in the right way. I find her extremely authentic and respectful. I have found this very important as it’s helped me to connect with her and better express my thoughts/frustrations and be open to what may come my way (as well as being kinder to myself!). Maria is also very flexible with the sessions - from timing to location - which has been extremely useful. I would highly recommend Maria.


I have been seeing Maria for a couple of years. It was very hard to take the step to start seeing a psychologist, but I am so happy I did and I am so grateful to have found Maria. She has been very helpful in each session and truly insightful. After my first session, I literally felt lighter and like “I can handle this” - “this” being my anxiety and panic attacks. Maria is compassionate and made me feel safe, listened to and I have learned so much from her. Thank you, Maria!

– Adriana

N.B. All feedback is provided with clients’ consent.